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Our Purpose



The purpose of “Powerful God-Practical Faith” is……

For the Christian:

  • To motivate you to constantly seek clear, logical and plain truth in the Holy Scriptures, apart from denominational bias or traditions.
  • To encourage you to always test your beliefs, motivations, and behavior against the teaching of Scripture, knowing that the Bible should always be your final authority.
  • To help you recognize that having this incredible sense of the presence of God, along with His divine strength, peace and contentment in your life is most evident when you desire and simply live out what the scriptures teach.
  • To show you that, contrary to what passes off as “miraculous” in modern religious circles, God is shown to be immeasurably powerful when your true Christian faith is biblically practical.

For the curious and questioning non-Christian friend:

  • To help you understand what the Gospel message “really” is, apart from what it has become in our modern world.
  • To provide some clarity on what a Christian truly is and should be like, but sadly, in many cases,  are unlike in practice, to their detriment and yours.
  • To provide for you a Christ-centered response to our modern culture and current events.
  • To give you answers to the reservations, concerns, and issues you have with Christian faith.
  • To be a part of God’s means by which He draws you to Himself so that you will become a genuine follower of Jesus Christ…. after all… that is our “real” desire.